World Wide Web

American Solar Energy Society 
     The American Solar Energy Society is the national society for professionals and others 
     involved in the fields of solar energy. 

Argonne National Laboratory 
     Homepage of Argonne National Laboratory in the United States. 

Centre for Photovoltaic Devices and Systems Research Interests 
     The Centre for Photovoltaic Devices and Systems current research interests. The group is 
     headed by Professor Martin Green who began developing solar cells at UNSW in the 
     mid-seventies. Growing interest in sustainable technologies has spurred the growth of the 
     group, which now has over fifty members researching solar cells and systems with which to 
     utilise solar energy. Some contacts to email directly about specific research topics. 

European Wind/Solar Energy Information Resources 
     Mostly European list of associations, companies, and universities in the sustainable energy 

Frequently Asked Questions on Solar Energy/ Photovoltaics 
     This page by Michael Schwarz answers some frequently asked questions which include 
     some basics of electricity to provide background. It answers the following basic questions: 
     What are photovoltaics? How does a photovoltaic cell work? What is a semi-conductor? 
     What is a diode/a junction? What is the photovoltaic effect? Also includes information on 
     solar PV systems, panels, wiring/safety batteries, charge controllers, inverters, planning, grid 
     intertie/selling power, environmental issues, economics, bibliography, publications, 
     manufacturers, vendors, URLs. 

ISES Home page 
     International Solar Energy Society home page. International organization devoted to 
     advancement of solar and renewable energy. 

International Association for Solar Energy Education (IASEE) 
     Hosts the Solar Student Information Network (SSIN) as well as archives of the IASEE 

International Solar Center Berlin 
     Site includes a schedule of solar relevant events, other WWW-sites dealing about renewable 
     energy, and more information sources about renewable energy. Offered in both English and 
     German. This page contains infomation about the following: Basics about the 
     InternationalSolarCenter (ISC) Intentions of ISC Information about ISC Drafts of the 
     feasibility study of ISC News about ISC (in german) , News about emsolar (in german) 
     connecting to emsolar by modem and general information about solar energy use Schedule 
     about solar relevant events Solar Yellow Pages - important adresses Other WWW-sites 
     dealing about renewable energy More information sources about renewable energy. 

International Solar Energy Society 
     The International Solar Energy Society is the umbrella body for solar energy related 
     disciplines. It spans countries and continents, and aims to unite researchers and workers in 
     applied solar energy in the search for better applications and technologies. Information on 
     their activities and publications can be found here. 

Laboratoire d'Energie Solaire et de Physique du Batiment 
     Extensive information on solar energy, energy efficient buildings, and lighting efficiency. 
     Current projects stem from the following general domains : Daylighting and building 
     energetics Processes of building rehabilitation Tools for computer-aided building design - 
     Expert systems Building ventilation - Passive cooling - Indoor air quality Architectural 
     integration of photovoltaics and on-site measurements Architecture and sustainable 
     development A more detailed description of the laboratory's activities can be found in the 
     Institute of Building Technology's annual report, obtainable on request from the address: 
     Laboratoire d'Energie Solaire et de Physique du Batiment (LESO-PB), Ecole Polytechnique 
     Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) 1015 Lausanne Switzerland, Phone: +41 21 693 4545. 

North Carolina Solar Center 
     The North Carolina Solar Center, located in the College of Engineering at North Carolina 
     State University, provides programs and resources which help people throughout North 
     Carolina take advantage of solar energy. Services available to the public include a toll-free 
     hotline, a referral network of professionals, technical and design assistance, free 
     publications, curriculum materials for teachers, training sessions, tours of the demonstration 
     Solar House, and a reference library. 

Renewable Energy: Solar Thermal 
     This site gives basic information on renewable solar thermal energy. The following is an 
     extract from the page: Projected Use: Solar thermal electric capacity is predicted to 
     increase 130% worldwide by the year 2000. The cost of building, operating, and 
     maintaining solar thermal electric systems has decreased dramatically--in some cases by a 
     factor of ten--during the last decade. Some designs will be economically competitive with 
     conventional electricity-generating technologies by the year 2000. By the middle of the next 
     decade, some solar thermal electric technologies could be producing electricity at $0.06 to 
     $0.07 per kilowatt hour (kWh). Average electricity prices were $0.08/kWh for residential 
     users and $0.05 for industrial users in 1993. 

Sandia National Laboratories Photovoltaic Technology 
     Main page of the Sandia National Labs photovoltaics program. 

Sandia National Laboratories Solar Thermal Technology 
     Research performed for the U.S. Department of Energy at Sandia National Laboratories' 
     National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) continues to hasten the development and 
     maturation of concentrating technologies for generating electricity, destroying hazardous 
     wastes, processing materials and a variety of other industrial applications. A trip to the 
     NSTTF home page provides access to photos of and information about the "facilities within 
     the Facility" (central receiver, distributed receiver, engine test, designated user) and enables 
     e-mail communication with specific program contacts. 

Siemens Solar 
     Siemens Solar Industries (SSI) is the world's highest-volume producer of solar cells with 
     more than 20 percent of the market. The company also assembles solar modules (panels) 
     used for a wide variety of applications ranging from power supplies for telecommunications 
     systems to utility-scale solar electric plants. The company also provides a complete line of 
     solar panels for consumer use. SSI is a part of the worldwide Siemens Solar Group with 
     locations in the U.S., Germany, Singapore and Japan. 

Solar Energy Network 
     Database of products, services, and mafacturers of solar energy products. 

Solar Students Information Network 
     The core of SSIN is the newsletter, an e-mail document which is produced approximately 
     once every two months, and distributed via e-mail to everyone on the SSIN mailing list. It 
     contains a wide range of information on solar energy, including conference listings, the latest 
     solar developments, solar resources (both on and off-line!) and requests and 
     communications from subscribers. 

Sun At Work in Europe 
     Sun At Work In Europe (SAWIE) is a quarterly publication which aims to provide an 
     overview of the development and applications of renewable energy technology, particularly 
     solar energy, in a European context. This is only a page with subscription information; 
     journal must be ordered to gain information. 

SunWorld Magazine 
     Magazine from the International Solar Energy Society (ISES), a global non-profit dedicated 
     to the advancement of the utilization of solar energy. 

The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems 
     This site is in English and German. The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE 
     conducts research on the technology needed to supply energy efficiently and on an 
     environmentally sound basis in industrialised and developing countries. To this purpose it 
     develops systems, components materials and processes in the areas of thermal use of solar 
     energy, solar architecture, photovoltaics, electrical power supplies, chemical energy 
     conversion and storage, and rational use of energy. The institute's work ranges from 
     investigation of scientific and technical fundamentals for solar energy use, through the 
     development of prototypes, to the construction of demonstration systems. The institute plans, 
     advises and provides know-how and technical facilities as services. 

The University of Wiscosin´s Solar Energy Laboratory 
     Home of the famous TRNSYS transient thermal simulation package. From here you can find 
     out more info about the Lab, or download a demo copy of the software. 
